
Final to-do

1) My project is almost done. 2)I have taken pictures of all I have done for my project. 3) I do not know where I am going to put everything yet. I will most likely post everything onto Instagram for everyone to look at on their own time. 4)I enjoyed taking the pictures more then anything else during this project. I loved capturing everything I can during the school day and after school to take pictures. 5) I do not have any questions right now about anything for the project.

assignment #7

#1) For my project, I am going to take pictures of every event that I can. After I take the pictures, I will be putting them into a file that will be shared with Mr. BG and then will be posted online. #2) There will be multiple steps to my project. I have to upload the pictures I have to a file and take more photos of different events. #3) All of my steps will be documented. #4) All of my work will be shared online and to a file.  All of my photos will be shared with all students and all teachers. If I need to write one then I will but if it is not necessary then no. I will be making a photo gallery for anything I can. #5)  I still have a lot to do but I feel confident in how it is coming out so far.

assignment #6

For my next step I had to ask teachers, students, and coaches when/what events were coming up. I went to the principal and vice principal to ask if they had any handouts or schedule. The only thing that they had for me was an activity called Distractology. Having these conversations about this event helped me think about what I will be doing for my project in the long run. Now I am going to make a folder of all the pictures I have so far and add to it when I get more. This folder will be shared with Mr. BG as well. 

Assignment #5

For my passion project I am doing photography that will help people experience events that they can not experience for themselves. The next step for me in this is to get more set times for event that are coming up. This will help me to set my own time for homework and school. To make this step happen, I will be talking to the office to ask if I am aloud to take pictures at the dances that are coming up, coaches to see when games are, and to students to see if there are any other events that they know about that I might be able to take pictures of.

First Post

For my passion project I am thinking of doing it on photography and how it can help people in everyday life. This is an important topic to me because it is something I am very passionate about. Photography can help people experience new things and new places at anytime they want. One of the things I wonder about is where I am going to be in life when I am older. This is one of the thing I would like to do when I am older for a currier. Some things I am good at are baking and skating. I have been baking ever since I was four years old, and I have been skating since I was seven. If I can never become a photographer then I think I could become a cook for a restaurant but I don't think i would like to cook/bake for other people.